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How can we determine if the product advertisements sold on the cross border e-commerce platformsare restricted?

From the beginning, when all the information about the product is filled out and there is inventory in the state of normal sales, all advertising activities of the product can be detected.

The product shows ads are restricted in INV, but the ad system status appears as normal and unrestricted: Click on ads restricted, a pop-up window will appear, click on ‘Get Latest Ad Status’. This can update the status.This can help monitor product advertising status and respond promptly to abnormal products.It is advisable for sellers to review the cross-border e-commerce platform’s policy on product advertisement regularly as it can change. If a product violates any policy, the platform may remove the product listing, restrict or downgrade the seller’s account, or take other punitive actions.

How can we monitor the profit situation of products through the system?

The system updates the profit margin at 1 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily, and there are two special cases of profit margin display:
1. The system has not captured the price at which the product is sold, so the profit margin is not displayed. The “selling price” displayed above is only the price of the product upload, not the price for calculating the profit margin (i.e., the price at which the product is sold). At this time, the profit margin is 0, which does not affect the actual profit margin of the product.
2. If the price is changed on the day, the system obtains the product prices in the early morning, it may get the new prices after the profit margin updates, so this kind of situation may appear a bit abnormal when viewed in the morning of the second day, and it will be normal after the afternoon update.

When did the seller know that the delivery fee for the product needs to be re measured.

The system monitors the product profit by capturing the FBA fees charged by each order in the background. If the seller observes that the profit of the store’s products has declined, he can first check whether it is caused by FBA fees. If not, you can contact the customer service through Contact us to help you find out the specific reason.After the retest, if the FBA fee is indeed reduced, the product needs to be issued with the following adjusted FBA fee. After the order is completed, the system will update the order data.

Product image capture update time:

  1. The system fetches updates once every night.
  2. Fetch rules:
    a. Products that have been uploaded and have a creation time but no images.
    b. Products whose images have been modified in the last 7 days via the “SKU Image Release System”.
    c. Products that have had an order in the last 90 days and whose selling status is ‘Normal Sale’

How do we manage the order status of all products on cross-border e-commerce platforms?

Through intelligent order analysis, sellers can easily obtain the status of orders and manage the order process accurately. In addition, sellers can handle multiple orders in bulk and print in batches, which greatly improves the efficiency of order processing. At the same time, there are excellent solutions for handling refunds and returns. With these functions, we can enable users to focus more on business development.

How to enhance customer loyalty through promotional features?

All promotional activities can be tracked with data, allowing you to have a detailed understanding of the effectiveness of each activity for the next strategy adjustment.Data tracking can enable sellers to accurately advertise based on consumer purchasing behavior, improving conversion rates and ROI.

A+Product Addition Rules:

1. For the same SKU with applications from different sites and with the status being before “Unallocated” in A+ planning and the “Share A+” field being “Yes”, they should be merged into a single record in the [A+ Planning] section.
2. For the same SKU with applications from different sites and with the status being before “Unallocated” in A+ planning and the “Share A+” field being “No”, a new record should be generated in the [A+ Planning] section, distinguishable by the site identifier.

How to be reminded when product inventory is low?

Set up an inventory alarm mechanism, and when the inventory falls below the preset value, the system will automatically remind to avoid potential problems caused by insufficient inventory. And regardless of which platform your product is sold on, the system can synchronize inventory levels in real-time to avoid inventory issues leading to order cancellations and improve customer experience.